Article I: Name
Article II: Purpose
The mission of the association is to promote the development and advancement of collegiate water polo. This shall be accomplished by providing its membership with professional education, services, training.
Article III: Membership
Section 1. Anyone who is actively coaching water polo on the collegiate level, club or varsity, shall be eligible for active membership.
Section 2. Yearly dues for Active Members shall be determined by action of the Board of Directors and shall be payable to the Treasurer. The annual dues period begins September 1 of each year.
Article IV: Executive Director
Section 1. The Executive Director position shall be filled by the Board of Directors. The term for the Executive Director shall be four (4) years to overlap with board elections.
Section 2. The Board of Directors can terminate the Executive Director with cause at any time.
Section 3. The role of the Executive Director shall be defined in Article XIII Section 6 of the by-laws.
Article V: Board of Directors
Section 1: Number. The activities and affairs of the Association shall be managed, and all corporate powers shall be exercised, by or under the direction of the Board. The authorized number of Directors shall not be greater than twelve (12) nor less than one (1) until changed by amendment to these Bylaws duly adopted by the Board. The exact authorized number shall be set, within such upper limit, by resolution of the Board.
Section 2: Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will consist of the Executive Director, President and Vice Presidents.
Section 3: Composition and Qualifications. The Board shall be composed of and elected as follows: President, Two Vice Presidents- one for men’s programs and one for women’s programs, Secretary, Treasurer, a conference commissioner selected by the president, and all active coaches serving on the NCAA men’s and women’s water polo championship committees. The board will also have two non-voting positions that will represent assistant coaches and collegiate club coaches. The Executive Director will oversee all Board meetings.
Section 4. Terms of Directors. The terms for the officers of the Board of Directors shall continue for so long as they shall serve in their respective position and shall be limited to a period of three (3) years. The Executive Board members will be elected at the annual meeting provided a quorum exists at the nominating meeting (15% of membership within the Division). If a member resigns or doesn't accept the position, the annual meeting of the Association will serve as the forum for nominations and elections provided a quorum exists. If a simple majority can't be reached, a mail vote for this position shall occur as soon as possible after the conclusion of the annual meeting.
Section 5. Resignation. Any Director on the Board may resign at any time by giving notice in writing to the President or Secretary of the Association and, unless otherwise indicated in the notice, such resignation shall be effective as of the date of the notice. If a Director who has qualified for their position by reason of holding an office or position ceases to hold that position, that director shall be deemed to have resigned effective upon the date on which they cease to hold the office or position in question.
Section 6. Responsibilities. The Board of Directors shall manage the general affairs of the Association, except as specified hereinafter. Such affairs shall consist of: a. Fulfilling directives from the membership at the annual meeting, meetings at respective championships, special meetings or mail vote: b. Presenting Policy options to the membership at the annual meeting, special meetings or by mail vote for adoption or ratification: c. Attending the annual meeting and the appropriate national water polo championships: d. Chairing appropriate committees and actively helping in the solicitation of sponsorships: e. Acting for the Association between annual meetings: f. Maintaining an active program throughout the year: g. Providing recommendations to the membership of potential Board members based on demonstrated service to the Association.
Article VI: Meetings
Section 1. The Association and its Board of Directors shall hold one Annual Meeting at a site and time selected by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may call special meetings as deemed necessary. Directors may call teleconferences with one-week notice to general members, and three-day notice to executive board members as deemed necessary.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall have one teleconference on the second Tuesday in the months of January and August at 8:00 am PST.
Section 3. A meeting at each Collegiate National Championship will be run by the respective Board Member responsible for that championship. The business and services of the Association and a review of the minutes of the annual meeting will be discussed.
Section 4. Special meetings of the Association or the Board of Directors may be called by the President upon authorization by the Board of Directors.
Section 5. The Secretary shall notify all members by electronic mail (e-mail), of any meetings of the Association and provide minutes of all such meetings.
Section 6. The President shall prepare an agenda for all meetings of the Board of Directors, Annual Meetings, and special meetings. The agenda shall show the time and place of the meeting and shall be made available prior to the meeting.
Article VII: Quorum
A Quorum to conduct Association business at the Annual Meeting shall consist of no less than fifteen (15) percent of the current membership. A member may send in their vote on all issues to be discussed at the annual meeting. If Quorum is not achieved,it will be announced at the start of the meeting and all motions will be recommendations and the items under consideration will be mailed out to the general membership. In a mail vote, once an item is voted upon the results will be posted on the Association website for the membership to view and will be included in the next regular mail out. This shall include the number needed for passage and what percentage voted. A simple majority is needed for any item to pass. A mail out vote must be received back to the Secretary within thirty (30) days after the date upon which the question was mailed. A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of at least a simple majority of its members. If necessary, the immediate Past President may substitute for an absent Board member in order to achieve a quorum.
Article VIII: Officers and Their Duties
Section 1. The Officers of the Association shall be the President; the Vice President(s); the Secretary and the Treasurer.
Section 2: The President
a. Shall preside over the Association and its regular meetings: b. Shall appoint committees and committee chairpersons: c. Shall keep the Officers of the Association informed regarding all new business: and d.
Shall receive travel expenses (coach airfare or mileage, hotel accommodations) for all meetings of the Association and for appropriate meetings of the NCAA.
Section 3. The Vice President (Men’s/Women’s)
a. Shall act as chair of the Bylaws Committee and provide updates on an annual basis: b. Shall organize and administer the annual membership campaign: c. Shall fulfill the duties and responsibilities as directed by the President and shall conduct all meetings in the absence of the President, and d. Shall report their respective men’s or women’s issues to the president as necessary.
Section 4. The Secretary
a. Position is a paid position, either stipend or hourly, and is selected by the President and Executive Director.
b. This position does not have to be filled by a current coach and will only be able to vote if they are a head coach.
c. The Secretary shall attend all meetings, organize and email all minutes and other authorized communications to the membership. A written and accurate account of all meetings shall be sent to the President within ten (10) working days of the meeting. d. Shall keep records and administer all award functions, including sending out All American, Academic All American ballots, collecting and tallying ballots, and distributing award winner lists within the timetable set by the President e. Shall update and maintain a current coaches email list, and monitor the Association’s email. f. Shall update and maintain ACWPC website,
Section 5: The Treasurer
a. Shall work with a bookkeeper/CPA and Executive Director to maintain all financial records and collections. Oversee the payment of all approved bills, present an annual financial statement and a proposed budget, apply for all appropriate NCAA and USAWP grants and assist bookkeeper and Executive Director in overseeing all necessary tax information: b. Shall be bonded by the Association to an appropriate amount to be determined: c. will be responsible for filing all tax related returns approved by the Executive Director and President.
Section 6. The Executive Director.
a. Shall solicit and coordinate financial sponsorship for the Association and its programs and shall receive a percentage of all such sponsorships to be determined by the Executive Committee: b. Shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations and management of the Association and work with the President, Treasurer and Secretary to maintain all records, collect membership dues, pay all approved bills, and present an annual financial statement and a proposed budget to the Board of Directors. Apply for appropriate NCAA and USAWP
Grants and assist in the preparation of all necessary tax information. c. Shall receive travel expenses (coach airfare and or mileage, hotel accommodations and per diem) for all meetings of the Association and for the appropriate meetings of the NCAA and USAWP.
e. The Executive Director shall be hired, not elected. The selection shall be made by the Executive Committee and approved by the Board. f. The Executive Director is a non-voting member of the Board of Directors.
Section 7. Board members
a. Shall have the responsibility to attend all meetings that reasonably possible to attend to fulfill requirements of their position: and b. Shall have the duty to vote on issues that affect the Association.
Article X: Election and Appointment of Officers
Section 1.
The President will be elected by the general membership at the annual meeting or from a mail out vote if a quorum is not present. The Presidency will consist of a three year term.
Section 2.
The Secretary and the Treasurer shall be selected by the Board of Directors.
Article XI: Awards
The following awards are to be administered by the Executive Director and President of the Association:
Section 1. All American Awards.
Shall be awarded annually under the following rules: a. The Executive Director of the Association will advise the membership, and at-large coaching community, to submit nominations for this award the monday after all conference championships are completed. a. Announcements will be made on December 18th for men’s All-American awards and May 18th for women’s All-American awards. b. A Player of the Year and Coach of the Year will also be announced. c. All-American certificates shall be awarded annually to the athletes of member coaches in all three NCAA Divisions. These awards shall be administered by the Secretary.
Section 2. All-Academic American Awards.
Shall be awarded annually under the following rules: a. The Executive Director of the Association will advise the membership, and at-large coaching community, to submit nominations for this award. a. February 1 for men’s awards: and b. June 1 for women’s awards. c. All-Academic American certificates shall be awarded annually to qualified athletes of member coaches in all three NCAA Divisions. These awards shall be administered by the Secretary.
The following requirements must be met for an athlete to receive the All-Academic American Award: a. Any varsity athlete meeting NCAA eligibility requirements who was a regular member of your varsity squad. b. Athletes must be an active participant on your team (may not be a redshirt-athlete). c. Athletes must have a cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.2 or higher. e. Certificates will ONLY be issued to athletes whose coaches are current ACWPC members. f. Athletes must be full-time students. Athlete Merit Levels:
i. 3.2 to 3.4: Excellent ii. 3.41 to 3.7: Superior iii. 3.71 to 4.0: Outstanding
All GPA’s must be cumulative. Red-shirts GPA should be calculated to the overall team GPA.
Section 3: The ACWPC Diversity Award
The ACWPC is committed to recognizing diversity and inclusion in coaching, through its annual ACWPC Diversity Award. This award seeks to recognize club, high school and college coaches who value the contributions and perspectives from different groups of people on a team, and are inclusive of different genders, races, nationalities, and sexual orientations and identities in their water polo coaching endeavors. Coaches are chosen through an open nomination process and will be selected by the executive board.